Good morning!
I have to share this adorable pic of our puppy Dahlila -
It seems our little pup - now 16 weeks old is taking after our kitty Bella. She loves squeezing into small spaces. Here she was yesterday morning snoozing away in a basket in my office as I printed patterns and did other work. Too cute!
And speaking of Bella
Here she is with Dahlila playing a bit. Queen Bella is slowly coming around and starting to like Dahlila being a part of our family.
I have a bit of sad news to share with all my quilting friends.
"I just heard Libby Lehman has had an aneurysm. She is in intensive care at Hermann Memorial hospital in Houston. Those of us who know what a wonderful person she is will put up a positive thought for her tonight. Keep your fingers crossed, too. And if you are the praying kind...say a little extra one for her speedy recovery." This information was shared on Facebook late last night, I hope she is going to be ok. Libby is such a sweet person and a very talented quilter!
I missed blogging yesterday because I was busy outside while the weather here was a gorgeous 80 degrees and full of sunshine. I made a small dent in my yard work, getting my flower beds and garden ready for the season. My back and hips are paying for it now though. Getting older stinks!
So today I will take an easy recovery day and enjoy my stitching time. The weather is supposed to be nice again with a small chance of rain, so I think some time outdoors sitting on my deck and hand stitching is called for. Here are a few things I will probably work on.
The day before yesterday I got the itch to start on my first border for the stars and sprigs quilt I'm working on. I just think theses vines look lovely and cannot wait to start adding the flowers and leaves!
This is the Stars and Sprigs quilt. Do those borders not look like fun? A lot of work but its going to be a blast pulling fabrics to add color here and there through out these playful borders! This quilt is one of my long term projects, it will take a while to complete, but there is no rush! You can order this pattern at or
Here is one of the appliqué blocks I finished earlier this week.
And another:
I will probably work on some of my Lucy Boston: Patchwork of The Crosses blocks. Here is the layout of fabrics I'm using for my next block.
And here is a block I completed last week and forgot to share with you.
This quilt is going to be gorgeous when completed! Here is a picture of the original quilt I found on the Internet.
Did you pick up your copy of the latest issue of Quilt Sampler? It's in stores now! I look so forward to this publication that comes out twice a year!
It's almost Quilt Market time too! I fly out in two weeks to enjoy time at market with friends. I'm not vending this time - it's just to expensive to ship all of my product that far and in the past the Portland markets have never been the best for me. So this market I'm going to take classes, observe the market and pick up on hot new trends, enjoy time with my quilting friends and to talk to people in the industry that is necessary for me to continue growing my business!
The time for my latest book to be released is coming quickly! Only a few more weeks and it will be released! The artwork is being worked on now as well as the cover layouts. I cannot wait to get a sneak peek at what those talented people whom I am so fortunate to work with at Kansas City Star have come up with! I think you will enjoy this book - it's full of wool on cotton type projects. All small quilts! And for those of you that do not care much for working with wool - always remember you can adapt the patterns to use with all cotton fabrics also and create them using hand or machine appliqué!
Chat more later - I'm off to get some orders filled so that I can enjoy a peaceful day of stitching. And please, please remember to keep Libby in your prayers!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad