Ok see that cute but scary photo of the cat up there? That is close to the hair style I sport in the mornings. Actually I think it may be worse because my daughter came down the stairs this morning to greet me on my bed/ couch and the look on her face was priceless. She gave me the normal hug, backed up a bit, tilted that head of hers and asked me if I'd like some help " with the hair"?
So needless to say, I had my hair brushed and styled by a 13 year old this morning. Hubby says it looks great, I just feel better, son wants to take pictures to post on FaceBook. Great priceless memories were made this morning.... It appears I'm getting a pedicure later on from dear daughter also!

Two more "new" to me books arrived this week. Both written by Linda Giesler Carlson. The first one is called Roots, Feathers and Blooms. The second one is Four Blocks Continued.... And after searching for the above images on the internet, I realized she has a third book in this series. Guess I'll have to go shopping for that third book now...... Anyhow - both these books are great. Good photos, good stories and nice patterns. I'm a big fan of four block quilts and applique though so these are right up my alley.
Well..... It looks like we'll be making a trip out to Shipshewana next week, probably Tuesday if I'm up to it and feel like joining civilization again instead of hanging out in my living room! You see, my dear sweet husband is on vacation next week and I wanted to figure out something fun for us to do one day that didn't cost a ton of money and that we could enjoy together.

I know - your probably thinking - why in the world is that man on vacation the week in between both of that crazy woman's surgeries? Well, I'll tell ya! Originally I was supposed to be going to the Des Moines Quilt show this week and vending. Well obviously I had to cancel out of that. Dear husband had to cancel all his vacations for the rest of the year too, since I was not going to be doing shows and obviously - the extra money is always needed instead of vacation pay wages. Well this coming week of vacation time was not an option to cancel, we had to take it due to scheduling reasons at my husbands job and instead of irritating his bosses and begging until we where blue in the face - we decided to go ahead and leave this vacation in place. Sure - it would have been really nice to change it to the first week in October during my second surgery which I think will be harder on me - but come on, this is real life here and not everything is so easy and convenient!
So, the hubbie is on vacation this coming week. What better time to get the house and yard ready for winter. Great time for fall cleaning. Good time to do the winter tune ups on both vehicles. Good time to get more prepared for my second surgery. Great time to pull out the fall decorations and get the outside of the house decorated. All this with me not being able to do much. This is going to be really rough not helping out like I usually do, but I'm sure some good stories will come from this!
But on the bright side - it's a great time for us to sneak off for a mini day trip together to Shipshewana!

I'll have a driver (I really don't care much for driving), a tour guide (he's a great map holder and great at listening to that GPS thing that I find irritating!). He's perfect to share that wonderful Amish meal that I'm anticipating eating - it's always more fun to share all that wonderful yummy food with good company! Plus the auction is on Tuesday - and 2 sets of eyes are better then one! I'm on the lookout for antique quilts and fabrics - that's my mission for the day! I also am going to go here:

Lolly's Fabric store - an awesome place to go and be inspired! Www.lollys.com
I am also going here,

Yoder's Department Store. Love that place. Not only am I of course going to shop for stash enhancements, but I'm on the mad hunt for one of those older style irons with NO auto shut off feature and good steam you know - like the older Black and Decker style that lasted forever and didn't die after 3 months of use. I'm also searching for another Hurricane lamp - I'm addicted to collecting those beauties! (I think I need to win the lottery before I go!). Www.yoderdepartmentstore.com
Next on the list:

E&S Bulk Foods. Love this place. I stock up on baking and cooking ingredients each time I go here - and Mama Tara's pantry is looking a bit bare. Gotta stock up for winter. They have some of the best ground cornmeal here. Perfect for homemade cornbread! I also love the bulk spices.... Geez I just love it all!
I'm getting hungry so we'll eat here:

The Blue Gate Restaurant. Finally! I've dreamed of this moment. Eating here, a family style meal with my husband and enjoying every minute of it. I normally watch what I eat pretty closely - but when those doors open up to us next week - I'm not holding back on all that Amish homemade yumminess. Might gain ten pounds that day - but that's ok. I'll just drink a couple extra Diet Cokes that day - those and all the walking around should balance each other out right - and put all the extra calories in the negative pile -right??? ( come on - just nod your head and agree with me on this one! Pretty please??? )
Then bright and early Thursday morning, I'm sneaking out of here for a little mini vacation of my own. I'll save that info for another blog post because this ones getting kinda long again. But here's a few hints: it involves quilting girlfriends, a 4 1/2 hour drive north, sewing machines (please dear Lord let me heal more by then so I can sew!) and lots of laughing with good friends. Even if I'm not able to sew on my machine, I'll enjoy some good girl time!
Carpal Tunnel Notes To Myself For The Next Surgery:
-feeling more pressure, ache and moderate pain in my left hand. I hope it's just because I've tried to do to much and not because it's getting infected. Very strange sensations running through my wrist and hand.
- waking up at 3 AM wide awake is a norm. Look for it to happen. My body has gotten so rested and relaxed now from taking it easy and getting caught up on sleep. Instead of fighting it and trying to force yourself back to sleep - just deal with it. Get up and read, draw (if I can!) and plan on your next stage in life for when your completely healed.
- two steps forward and one step back is absolutely true during the healing process. Every time I think I'm getting a lot better I over do it and end up hurting or aching because of it. I think I should wear my arm splint a lot more so that I cannot try and use my arm as much. I wore my splint all day yesterday which forced me not to try doing as much and the hands doing much better today!
- stress. Remind myself daily that I'm not supposed to be working right now. I need time to heal and re-injuring myself is not an option. I could do major and serious damage if I over do it! Quit trying to be the "I can do it all" person.
- keep working on my goals list for myself personally and for my business. Things will become clearer and clearer everyday that I review this list and add to it.
Location:Sunday Morning Funnies........
I am really enjoying these posts, and happy to hear that you are weathering it all quite well. Enjoy that vacation!
Making memories with your family that involve laughter are so good! Have a lovely trip! May your healing continue to progress well.
I love Shipshe. One of my favorite places to visit. Glad you are getting better and soon back to normal. Enjoy your trip and the Blue Gate!!!
I love Shipshe. My favorite is the PJ party in Feb. Have fun and enjoy Blue Gate!!!
Oh I agree I am glad he still has the week off I am sure he will get a lot of things off that honey do list!
a trip to Ship....lucky you! enjoy your day out and eat well!!!! great books!!!!! surprised you didn't have them already!
Hello, this is not really a comment on your last post, but on your second post ever. I started reading your blog from the beginning (it's been one of those days)and i think you would enjoy (if you don't know it already) the 'barn quilts and american quilt trail'(www.americanquilttrailblogspot.com)
Enjoy these quiet weeks, it will soon enough be different again.
Healing always takes more time than we expect. Enjoy your trips and time with family and friends.
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