Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Dear Jane You Were Insane...

So, last night I took a little well deserved "me time" and decided to sit down and work on another Dear Jane block.

After 2 1/2 hours, many ripped out stitches and finally the clock turning to 11 pm - I have officially decided that Ms. Dear Jane Stickle had to be insane.

This is my pathetic looking little piece that I have to show for 2 1/2 hours of work.  Granted - my hands were bothering me- but I remained a trooper and I cannot stand paper piecing - but I will admit - this block wore me out last night and this is only a tiny center of a block that will measure less than 2" when finished in the center!  It looks awful.  I'm not one to waste fabric - so yes, I ripped out the seams on this paper pieced horror many times (which didn't help matters at all!) to try and get those little points perfect.  They are not.  Today - I'll give this block another attempt and however it turns out on the 2nd try will be how it ends up in my Dear Jane is Insane quilt. Today's 2nd attempt will have some good stories for me to tell future generations I'm sure.  

I do not like paper piecing - but last night I figured I'd give paper piecing another try because I really did not want to hand piece this block.  I'm about 75% sure right now - I would rather hand piece this little booger!

I learned I really need to find some thinner thread also.  I believe my thread is eating up to much space in those little seams.  I also think I need to shave down my seam allowances a bit more - the center on this block is so bulky!

So Dear Jane, be kind to me today and let me see this block through to the end with little frustration! The next  block - I think I'll applique one and take a break from paper piecing!  LOL


LuAnn said...

I think you are doing the center of Papa's Star G-6. I cut (8) 3/4" squares out of the print fabric for the star points and (1) 1" square of print for the center. Fold the 8 star points on the diagonal and baste the raw edges of them to your background rectangles to make 4 flying geese units. The background should be 3/4" X 1" but I'd cut it bigger than the 3/4" and then trim it later. Then you can put it together like a nine patch. I think it's easier to hand piece this little star, and it ends up being dimensional. After you finish the star you cut a 1" wide strip (or a bit wider and then trim it) of background and then "log cabin" around the star. And....I can explain it easier than I can actually sew it!

Strlady said...

I think you are on the right track on the changes needed for the small paper pieced block. I use smaller stitches, thinner thread, reduced seams AND thin paper (not computer paper but more like newsprint paper). Blocks like these are why there are so many DJ quilts in the UFO piles. I hope you stick with it because the final quilt is so beautiful. Have you chatted with the other ladies in your group? Maybe they have some suggestions on this one.

Deb said...

I do feel your pain on working on that block. There have been a few that have driven me crazy and that I'm going to go back and redo - with paper piecing. UGH! But I figure out that it's better than starting a fire with the block that I'm messing up.

I'm on the home stretch on mine - only three more blocks to do. But I do have a couple bald spots on my head!!

Helen said...

I know the feeling (frustration). I just completed this baby Jane :) When I started on this Dear Jane journey I didn't expect to be challenged. But my enthusiasm is growing as I'm learning lots of new skills. Becoming a real skilled hand piecer!

Juels said...

When I learned paper pieceing, the teacher recommended Aurifil thread as it is finer, foundation paper, and setting the stitch length to 18 sts/inch or a 1.5 setting. I like the thread so much that I use it for all my quilting.

Good luck!

Donna Keating said...

Would you believe this star block was my first DJ block? Our instructor started with this one stating that if we got through this one, the others would be a piece of cake. Mine turned out fairly well. However, I don't remember what method we used because that was 8 years ago!

Donna K. from N. TX

Pine Valley Quilts said...


I too am piecing a Dear Jane and so far enjoying the time out. I have not tried this block yet so I now have been warned. ( haha )
Try 100% cotton 60 weight Soft Touch Thread from YLI. It is lovely and fine for piecing, also shorten your stitch length.
Love your blog


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